The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.
Why Smart People are “Bad At Learning”
(According to a study by Harvard)
In 2008, Malcolm Gladwell wrote the hit best-seller “Outliers: The Story of Success.” In it, he set out to explain why certain people are more successful than others.
It’s got some nice ideas, but some serious limitations that may be holding you back.
One of the big ideas he hit on, over and over again, is what he called “the 10,000-hour rule”. The idea that you have to spend 10,000 hours just to get really good at things - to become an expert.
Ten thousand hours equals eight hours of practice every day for 3 and 1/2 years, with no breaks, weekends off or vacations. That kind of commitment to practice is practically impossible for most people, who are lucky if they can commit a few hours a week, right?
Even world-class performers in ultra-competitive fields can only muster on average 3 1/2 hours of practice a day. So, for ordinary folks, we’re talking closer to 10+ years to learn ONE skill to a very high standard.
That’s PAINFULLY slow. Too slow.
But, before you give up hope, consider this.
1. Gladwell’s rule was based on research of expert-level performance.
Most of what you and I want to achieve – doesn’t require us to perform at
an expert level. Being able to perform well enough for your own purposes,
can happen much, much faster. Especially if you have a model to follow.
2. Gladwell assumed smart people are good at learning.
It’s true.
People focused on continuous improvement (CANI) are caught inside the “great learning dilemma.”
Stuck on ‘single loop’ learning.
They bought into the idea that knowledge and skills are a big block … you just have to go up and chunk bits off.
You start with an introductory course, then the intermediate, finally you are ready for the advanced.
But that’s incredibly time-inefficient, impractical and sloooow if you just need to hit a specific result and not try and become an expert.
Think about it:
How do children learn?
Do they learn like that?
No - they MODEL.
And they don’t try to learn everything at once. They learn specific skills, which compound and aggregate into incredible capabilities. The chain strategies together. Which allows them to master even highly complex skills.
Kids are smart.
Stop trying to eat the elephant. Stop believing you don’t have the time to acquire the skills you want. Or that you need to invest thousands of hours to get solidly good.
It’s bull.
Focus on modeling the right strategies for the specific results you want to create.
Think micro skill mastery. That’s where the HUGE returns are.
It’s what super learners and highly successful people do.
If you want to learn how to do this for yourself, then head over here to get started.
John Grinder can remember the day things all changed for Tony Robbins. At the end of a seminar, Tony approached him and said he realised that modeling is the #1 skill to learn in NLP.
He then asked “What project can I undertake to prove my commitment?”
Grinder replied “firewalking.”
"The rest," as Grinder puts it, "is history."
Modeling other people’s strategies isn’t just for NLP’s elite. It’s for you too.
Do you want to take the slow lane or the fast lane to success? The fast-lane is open here, but it won’t be open for long...
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